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Last updated
This refunds page helps you to check for all the refund details. You will be able to see details on the main headers, which are:
Refund ID
Shop - Store name
Status - Status of the refund
Refund Requested - When the refund has been requested by the shopper
Refund in Progress – When you have approved the refund (An action pending icon will appear if you act on only a few items out of n items in the refund request, or refund has failed for any item)
Refund Declined – When you have declined the refund
Refund Completed – When refund for all the items have been completed
Refund Completed Partially – When a refund is completed for a few items and declined for a few
Date/Time - The date and time when the refund request was raised
Amount - Amount of the refund request
At a time, max. ten rows are presented to a user with pagination at the list's bottom.
Expanding the row will help you see details such as:
Purchase date/time
Item details
Reason for Refund
Initiated by - Merchant or shopper