Transaction listing

The RKFL merchant portal is a one-stop solution for all merchant needs. The RKFL merchant portal offers a wide range of features ex: Dashboard, Transaction listing, Shopper listing, Reports, Invoice, Fund, Account, Subscription, etc. Please see the RKFL merchant portal reference here.

The RKFL doesn't publish all the APIs of the merchant portals. However, a few APIs are available to simulate the features on the merchant website.

This API accepts the merchant access token and returns the transaction list in a pagination manner.

The below screenshot display a transaction listing payload from the RKFL merchant portal.

GET transactions?limit=5&offset=0&from=2022-01-01&to=2022-07-20&timezone=-330

Query Parameters


    "ok": true,
    "result": [
            "offerId": "1657806690208",
            "name": "[email protected]",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "orderDate": "Jul 14 2022",
            "orderTime": "07:22 PM",
            "displayStatus": "Pending",
            "paymentMethod": "Bank",
            "fiatAmount": "10.00",
            "fiatCurrency": "USD",
            "cryptoAmount": "10",
            "cryptoCurrency": "USD",
            "paymentMode": "dwolla",
            "txnHash": "NA",
            "partnerName": "partner",
            "paymentStatus": 0,
            "status": true,
            "receivedAmount": "0",
            "conversionRate": {
                "fiatCurrency": "USD",
                "rate": 1
            "offerId": "8a0c7a4a18159f25501815bc0ecb44989",
            "name": "Test Tester",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "orderDate": "Jul 14 2022",
            "orderTime": "06:52 PM",
            "displayStatus": "Success",
            "paymentMethod": "Bank",
            "fiatAmount": "159.01",
            "fiatCurrency": "EUR",
            "cryptoAmount": "160.66809427",
            "cryptoCurrency": "USD",
            "paymentMode": "highriskcc",
            "txnHash": "NA",
            "partnerName": "partner",
            "paymentStatus": 1,
            "status": true,
            "receivedAmount": "160.66809426609998",
            "conversionRate": {
                "fiatCurrency": "USD",
                "rate": 0.9896800029049088

Last updated